
Welcome to Mudgeeraba’s vibrant soccer community, where the love for the game meets the spirit of local businesses. We believe in the power of partnerships, and we invite you to join us on this exciting journey as a sponsor of our community soccer club. Discover the numerous benefits your business can reap while contributing to the growth and well-being of our community.

Community Involvement: At the heart of our soccer club is a commitment to community development. Your sponsorship will play a vital role in nurturing young talent, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle, and fostering a sense of community pride. By supporting our club, your business becomes an integral part of the positive change happening right in our neighborhood.

Brand Visibility: Imagine your brand prominently displayed on team jerseys, banners at the field, and featured in promotional materials. Our soccer club offers a unique platform for your business to gain visibility and exposure within the local community. Take advantage of this opportunity to elevate your brand in the eyes of potential customers.

Social Media Presence: In the age of digital connectivity, our active social media presence becomes an additional avenue for your brand to shine. We’ll showcase your logo, tag your business in posts, and leverage our online community to maximize your brand exposure. It’s a win-win situation for both your business and our soccer club.

Customised Sponsorship Packages: We understand that businesses come in all shapes and sizes. That’s why we offer flexible sponsorship packages tailored to various budget levels. Choose a sponsorship tier that aligns with your marketing goals and financial capacity, ensuring a partnership that fits your business perfectly.

Long-Term Partnerships: We’re not just looking for sponsors; we’re looking for long-term partners. Committing to a lasting partnership ensures stability for our soccer club and consistent brand exposure for your business. Let’s grow together and create a legacy that extends beyond the field.

Recognition and Appreciation: We value our sponsors, and we want you to feel appreciated. Expect mentions in newsletters, announcements during games, and acknowledgment at club events. Your contribution will be recognized and celebrated within our community.

Ready to become a part of Mudgeeraba Soccer Club? Contact Jon : president@mudgeerabasoccer.com

2024 Partnerships