Player Development
As part of the Junior Development Plan,’ The Mudgee Way’, the clubs focus is on player development. We strongly believe that player development comes from coach education. In 2020 we will continue the high standard of coach education with a focus on player technique.
Please Click Here for the ‘Parent’s Information Session – 2020 and Beyond-Take 2 ’ presentation, for information about the club direction moving forward.
How to Register to for Mudgeeraba Soccer Club
Under 12 to 18 Trials
Trials and grading plays an important role in the development of players. By placing players in a team that will suitably challenge them as players will improve their playing abilities. Coaches can then focus on developing a team who have similar playing abilities, tailoring training to improve their teams football knowledge and skills.
Trials will be undertaken over 4 weeks with all divisions trialing together. During the first 2 weeks impartial selectors will grade players according to their ability and they will be placed in an appropriate team. During the last 2 weeks the coaches of those teams will be invited to assist in finalising grading.
All player must be register to play for Mudgeeraba Soccer Club for the 2021 season to be allowed to trial. Players do not need to pay their registration fees at this time. By registering we will know the number of players participating and we can better tailor trials.
After trials, all fees must be paid in full to secure your place in your selected team.
Kangaroo Trials
Kangaroo trials are for players in Under 9’s, 10’s & 11’s. Kangaroo teams are for players with a higher skill level, that wish to be challenged and improve their playing ability. We strongly encourage all players in these age groups to trial for Kangaroos.
Team Allocations ( Under 6 to 11)
For those players not selected for Kangaroos (Under 9 to 11) and the Under 6 to 8’s you come down to your team allocation afternoon.
Here we will place players into teams. We will try to place players with friends, where possible. We will also give last minute information to parents to ensure you are kept up to date.
Mini Roo Carnival & Intraclub Games ( Under 6 to 11)
In the Mini Roo Carnival, Under 6 to Under 11’s teams will play their age group in short games. We are holding the carnival early to allow players to start playing games. We understand that teams would not have had time to train, but this gives coaches the opportunity assess their teams and the players have fun doing what they signed up for.
The two following weekends will be intra-club games. These are games played against other club teams. These games are treated like season Saturday games, normal game lengths and start times. Just extra games for the players. During these games, the director of coaching, Aldo, will be looking at teams to see whether they are placed in the correct Mini Roos Competition.
Sign-On Days
These are the days that registered members come to pay their fees and collect their uniform. The committee is also available to answer any questions.
Before you come down we encourage you to register at home, select option to pay at club and print out your invoice. We do have computers available to register, but there is usually a wait. We also suggest that you register at night or early in the morning as Playfootball servers are generally slower during the day as players are registering all over Australia.
If you miss sign on day the clubhouse will be open Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5.30pm.
Come Try Day
Don’t know if you child will like the sport? Unsure if the club will suit you? Need to know more about what the club has to offer?
The Come Try Days are for you.
We will have a training session run by our Director of Coaching, Aldo. No need to have boots, but we do suggest shin pads for those training.
Committee members will be available if you have any questions.
The calendar will be updated when information becomes available.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Paul at